Colonoscopy Bowl prep
Please watch video by John Hopkins Medicine for educational purposes
indicated for patients with severe constipation and/or low fluid intake ( less than 2 liters per day)
Purchase these over the counter items:
Gatorade or any other electrolyte or sports drink (two 64 Oz. bottles)
(Diet/ zero calorie version if on diet or diabetic)
Miralax powder: 238 grams (Over counter only)
Dulcolax 5 mg ( four tablets)
2 days before the procedure
In the morning after breakfast, start drinking cups of the Gatorade + Miralax mixture; try to finish the two 64 Oz. bottles of the preparation by 6 p.m.
Througout the day Eat a regular low fiber diet avoiding the following items: ice cream, cereal, beverages that have added fiber. Look for foods that have no more than 1-2 grams of fiber in one serving. See the description of a low-fat diet by clicking on this button
One day before the procedure
This preparation should be used by persons with daily bowel movement habit
Step 1: you may eat a regular diet breakfast. After breakfast, start drinking the MiraLAX mixture. Try to finish the two 64Oz. bottles by 6 P.M.
After 10 A.M. , ABSOLUTELY NO SOLID FOOD; start a clear liquid diet only and follow instructions listed below
Step 2: At 5 PM take 4 Dulcolax tabs
Step 3: Throughout the day, continue with clear liquid diet, until 4 hours before your scheduled procedure time on the day of the procedure. You should drink an additional 2.5 L of fluids (another 64 oz of clear liquid diet items) , apart from the Miralax solution.
Bowel movements usually begin within 1 hour of drinking the first cup of the MiraLAX mixture, but it may take longer for some people.
Don’t worry if you don’t start having bowel movements after drinking the first half of the MiraLAX. Continue to drink liquids and start the second half of the MiraLAX as instructed.
Put petroleum jelly (Vaseline®) or A & D® ointment on the skin around your anus after every bowel movement. This helps prevent irritation.
Continue to drink clear liquids to stay hydrated and flush out your colon.
The Day of Your Procedure
If you were told to arrive for your procedure at 11:00 am or later, follow these instructions the morning of your procedure:
Be sure to finish the entire MiraLAX mixture.
You can continue to drink clear liquids until 4 hours before your scheduled arrival time.
Don’t eat anything until after your procedure.
Things to remember
Take only the medications you were instructed to take the morning of your procedure. Take them with a few sips of water.
Don’t apply any lotions, creams, or powder to your chest or arms.
Remove any jewelry, including body piercings.
Leave all valuables, such as credit cards and jewelry, at home. We don’t have lockers to store your valuables in.
If you wear contacts, wear your glasses instead.
What to bring
A list of the medications you take at home
If you have an implanted pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD), bring your wallet card with you.
Your rescue inhaler (such as albuterol (Proventil®, Ventolin®) for asthma), if you have one
A case for your glasses
Your Health Care Proxy form, if you have completed one
No Aspirin, Aspirin by-products, Plavix, or Coumadin starting 7 days before your procedure date. Please contact the physician that prescribed the Aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin to see if this is acceptable.
What to expect
Once you arrive, you will be asked to state and spell your name and date of birth many times. This is for your safety. People with the same or similar names may be having procedures on the same day.
When it’s time to change for your procedure, you will get a hospital gown, robe, and nonskid socks to wear.
You will meet with your doctor before your procedure. They will explain the procedure to you and answer any questions you may have.
You will meet with your anesthesiologist. They will review your medical history with you and talk with you about the kind of anesthesia (medication to make you sleep) you will receive.
Once it’s time for your procedure, you will be brought into the procedure room and helped onto the exam table. You will lie on your left side with your knees bent.
Your anesthesiologist will place an intravenous (IV) line into a vein, usually in your arm or hand. You will get anesthesia through your IV, which will make you fall asleep. Once you’re asleep, your doctor will begin the procedure.
Your doctor will place a colonoscope into your rectum. The colonoscope is connected to a video monitor. This lets your doctor to see the inside of your colon. Your doctor will use air and fluid to move the colonoscope through your colon while looking for anything unusual on the video monitor.
Remember: This preparation is very important. An adequate cleanout allows for the best evaluation of your entire colon. During the prep, using baby wipes may ease some of your discomforts. You should NOT plan on working or driving the rest of the day due to sedation given at the procedure.
Post Procedure Instructions:
Start a regular diet
Avoid milk and cereal for 6 days
Eat two cups of regular yogurt
If you are lactose intolerant eat two capsules of Acidophylis Probiotic 3 times a day for 6 days
Continue regular activity as tolerated
Stay hydrated ( Drink 2.5 L ( 67 oz) of liquid a day)
Procedures are done at:
Wyckoff Hospital is located at 374 Stockholm Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237
PH: (718) 963-7272
For Pretesting please go to the pre-testing Department one week prior to your surgery on
Monday- Friday 7am- 2pm
Long Island Jewish Forest Hills located at 102-01 66th Road, Forest Hills, NY 11375
PH: (718) 830-4000
Pretesting Department will contact you to schedule your pretesting appointment, if you do not hear from there up to one week prior to your surgery you may contact the pre-surgical department at (718) 830-1118